
IMVUPay 2.0

A new system of IMVUPay will be released in February, according to a post by eXium's in IMVU forum,

"... we have ways to better equalize the markets. We are going to introduce a buyers market and a sellers market in IMVUPay 2.0, so not only can sellers set the rate, but buyers can send funds to their IMVUPay Wallet and then request rates for sellers to fill. That way the impatient sellers can quickly distribute their credits to people and earn money instantly to the patient buyers, while the patient sellers can sell to the instant buyers on the sellers market ... "


How To Maximize Your Flagging Results for Rating Violations

In view of multiple serious issues with some developers putting items that unsuitable for IMVU (UFI) in the General Audience (GA) section in the last 2 weeks and about 10-20% of GA female clothing items are actually only suitable for Access Pass (AP), AnakaTarren has written a guide to Maximize Your Flagging Results for Rating Violations. Her goal in writing this useful guide is to help root out the serious, repeat, TOS-ratings violators, specifically those who regularly mis-rate their items as GA.

IMVU is equal to a Web Cancer !?

A topic regarding “IMVU and virtual sex” is discussed on the ConnectSafely’s forum since May 2007.

“After being invited to a chat session on IMVU, with my oldest son, I decided to do a little investigating on my own.
I have learned one thing…keep your kids off of this site, and unless you like being “flamed” on a regular basis, don’t go on yourself.
This chat site is equal to a Web cancer, it is horrible.
The site lures you in with its game play feel, and then you are systematically assaulted in every way to purchase this, and that.I was able to resist, it was difficult for me, and for kids,(especially teens) its an all absorbing torture of the mind, with enough money, they can have virtual sex online!
I was shocked, and disgusted by the content on the average users page, it is unregulated filth.”

Check out the replies of this interesting topic.


Typing “trigger words” like “LOL” in chat bubbles is commonly used to animate IMVU avatar. However, do you know how many “trigger words” are there?

The answer is more than 140!!

Don’t miss this list of IMVU TRIGGER WORDS shared by AnakaTarren. Have fun!


IMVU Trend

If you have no idea what “IMVU Trend” is… you better check it out ASAP! It’s a very nice IMVU magazine with lots of information. It also offers advertising services for content creator.

Trend will not be publishing a January Issue but they will be back in February.


CDG’s ULTIMATE Affiliate Program

The Cross Design Group has made an announcement at IMVU forum regarding their new Ultimate Affiliate program which is starting on January 1, 2008. What makes their program different from the other Partner and Afilliate programs is that they offer:

Hassle free, always buying status
Immediate payment via PayPal
NO PAYPAL FEES for Afilliates payments
Premium Rates
Monthly gifts from our 2 stores (www.crossdesignstore.com & CDG-AfterDark.com), 8 divisions, and 50+ developers
Reduced hosting and scripting fees from 3D Chatcrossing!
Up to 5 banners ads to advertise your IMVU store or products in the banner rotation at our 2 Stores and also in the IMVU Art Gallery!
Free CDGAffiliate.com email address!
Free Super Nova Membership at IMaginationsVU.com (which includes 75 MB for your gallery)

Fill out an application to join them TODAY at: www.nevacross.com/Affiliate.html.


IMVU Messenger 389.0 now available

IMVU now offers a new version 389.0 of IMVU Messenger.