
IMVU is equal to a Web Cancer !?

A topic regarding “IMVU and virtual sex” is discussed on the ConnectSafely’s forum since May 2007.

“After being invited to a chat session on IMVU, with my oldest son, I decided to do a little investigating on my own.
I have learned one thing…keep your kids off of this site, and unless you like being “flamed” on a regular basis, don’t go on yourself.
This chat site is equal to a Web cancer, it is horrible.
The site lures you in with its game play feel, and then you are systematically assaulted in every way to purchase this, and that.I was able to resist, it was difficult for me, and for kids,(especially teens) its an all absorbing torture of the mind, with enough money, they can have virtual sex online!
I was shocked, and disgusted by the content on the average users page, it is unregulated filth.”

Check out the replies of this interesting topic.

1 comment:

Drew M. Jar said...

There is even a more "interesting" thread about IMVU on this same site titled "thoughts about IMVU" It was initiated by a canadian police detective asking for feedback from IMVU users concerning the safety of IMVU for teens.
